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Get the chain info



If you are using the common API functions, you most likely rather want to use '/v1/chains/:chainID' to get information about a chain.


Path Parameters

    chainID stringrequired

    ChainID (Bech32)

Query Parameters

    block string

    Block index or trie root


The chain info

    chainID stringrequired

    ChainID (Bech32-encoded).

    chainOwnerId stringrequired

    The chain owner address (Bech32-encoded).

    gasFeePolicy FeePolicyrequired
    evmGasRatio Ratio32required
    a int32required
    b int32required
    gasPerToken Ratio32required
    a int32required
    b int32required
    validatorFeeShare int32required

    The validator fee share.

    gasLimits Limitsrequired
    maxGasExternalViewCall int64required

    The maximum gas per external view call

    maxGasPerBlock int64required

    The maximum gas per block

    maxGasPerRequest int64required

    The maximum gas per request

    minGasPerRequest int64required

    The minimum gas per request

    metadata GovPublicChainMetadatarequired
    description stringrequired

    The description of the chain.

    evmJsonRpcURL stringrequired

    The EVM json rpc url

    evmWebSocketURL stringrequired

    The EVM websocket url)

    name stringrequired

    The name of the chain

    website stringrequired

    The official website of the chain.

    publicURL stringrequired

    The fully qualified public url leading to the chains metadata
