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Interface: SyncOptions

Sync options for an account

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Optional addresses: string[]

Specific Bech32 encoded addresses of the account to sync, if addresses are provided, then address_start_index will be ignored


Optional addressStartIndex: number

Address index from which to start syncing addresses. 0 by default, using a higher index will be faster because addresses with a lower index will be skipped, but could result in a wrong balance for that reason


Optional addressStartIndexInternal: number

Address index from which to start syncing internal addresses. 0 by default, using a higher index will be faster because addresses with a lower index will be skipped, but could result in a wrong balance for that reason


Optional forceSyncing: boolean

Usually syncing is skipped if it's called in between 200ms, because there can only be new changes every milestone and calling it twice "at the same time" will not return new data When this to true, we will sync anyways, even if it's called 0ms after the las sync finished. Default: false.


Optional syncIncomingTransactions: boolean


Optional syncPendingTransactions: boolean

Checks pending transactions and promotes/reattaches them if necessary. Default: true.


Optional account: AccountSyncOptions

Specifies what outputs should be synced for the ed25519 addresses from the account.


Optional alias: AliasSyncOptions

Specifies what outputs should be synced for the address of an alias output.


Optional nft: NftSyncOptions

Specifies what outputs should be synced for the address of an nft output.


Optional syncOnlyMostBasicOutputs: boolean

Specifies if only basic outputs with an AddressUnlockCondition alone should be synced, will overwrite account, alias and nft options. Default: false.


Optional syncNativeTokenFoundries: boolean

Sync native token foundries, so their metadata can be returned in the balance. Default: false.