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Block Objects

class Block()

Represent the object that nodes gossip around the network.


  • protocolVersion - The protocol version with which this block was issued.
  • parents - The parents of this block.
  • nonce - The nonce of this block.
  • payload - The optional payload of this block.

LedgerInclusionState Objects

class LedgerInclusionState(str, Enum)

Represents whether a block is included in the ledger.


  • noTransaction - The block does not contain a transaction.
  • included - The block contains an included transaction.
  • conflicting - The block contains a conflicting transaction.

ConflictReason Objects

class ConflictReason(Enum)

Represents the possible reasons for a conflicting transaction.


  • none 0 - The transaction does not conflict with the ledger.
  • inputUTXOAlreadySpent 1 - The input UTXO is already spent.
  • inputUTXOAlreadySpentInThisMilestone 2 - The input UTXO is already spent in this milestone.
  • inputUTXONotFound 3 - The input UTXO was not found.
  • inputOutputSumMismatch 4 - The sum of input and output amounts is not equal.
  • invalidSignature 5 - The signature is invalid.
  • invalidTimelock 6 - The timelock is invalid.
  • invalidNativeTokens 7 - The native tokens are invalid.
  • returnAmountMismatch 8 - The return amount is invalid.
  • invalidInputUnlock 9 - Not all inputs can be unlocked.
  • inputUTXOAlreadySpent0 10 - The inputs commitment hash is invalid.
  • inputUTXOAlreadySpent1 11 - The sender is invalid.
  • inputUTXOAlreadySpent2 12 - The chain state is invalid.
  • inputUTXOAlreadySpent3 255 - The semantic validation failed.

BlockMetadata Objects

class BlockMetadata()

Block Metadata.


  • blockId - The id of the block.
  • parents - The parents of the block.
  • isSolid - Whether the block is solid.
  • referencedByMilestoneIndex - The milestone index referencing the block.
  • milestoneIndex - The milestone index if the block contains a milestone payload.
  • ledgerInclusionState - The ledger inclusion state of the block.
  • conflictReason - The optional conflict reason of the block.
  • shouldPromote - Whether the block should be promoted.
  • shouldReattach - Whether the block should be reattached.